Thursday, May 14, 2020
Biological Factors That Affect Sexual Behavior - 967 Words
Sex, a topic that takes up so much of our thoughts and behaviors, is one of the most important drives during our lives as humans. While animals partake in sex for the sake of reproduction, human beings engage in sexual activities for more complex reasons than simply procreation. Sexuality, then, is the way that we experience and express ourselves as human beings. The development of a person’s sexuality is influenced by a number of factors including a person’s biological sex, their sexual orientation, their gender identity and roles, and the relationship between all of these factors. Literature Review and Application Biology Biological factors involved in arousal and the human sexual response is essential to the human sexual experience. Biology can influence sexual response through the human sexual response, sexual differentiation, as well as sex hormones. As for the human sexual response, there are psychological processes as well as physiological processes that are similar and different for each gender. This cycle consists of desire, excitement and arousal, a plateau phase, orgasm, and finally, resolution. In both genders, there is an innate motivation to pursue sex that begins the human sexual response cycle. Women, differently than men, are more motivated to engage in sexual activities when there is a strong intimate relationship between the two partners (Masters Johnson, 1966). Although both response cycles are very similar, an additional step in the cycle can beShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Cause of Homosexual Behaviors1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cause of Homosexual Behaviors The cause of homosexual behaviors has long been a controversial topic debated by scientists, psychologists, and many others among the general population. The Newsweek article Born or Bred discusses many possible causes of homosexuality. 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They argue, sexual desire is distinct from sexual behavior, and is the drive behind sexual behavior. Biological changes related to chronic illnesses and medications, decrease sexual desire and interests in both women and men in older age. Psychological factors related to negative attitudes aboutRead MoreEssay about The Homosexual Brain?1502 Words  | 7 PagesHomosexual Brain? In 1992, Vice-President Dan Quayle said that homosexuality is more of a choice than a biological situation...It is a wrong choice. (1). Quayles statement counters the sentiment of many homosexuals that their sexual orientation is neither a lifestyle nor a personal choice, it is innate and unchangeable (2) . Is homosexuality a choice or does sexual preference have a biological basis? 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